by Thomas Bartlett | Jan 5, 2016 | #ABP, #humour, current affairs, news
Dear Ireland, Some things that have been on my mind of late. Junior Doctors, or indeed doctors of any vintage, working way longer hours than the rest of us. Think about it. Surely this is idiotic? I am delighted that the government has loads of money put away to use...
by Thomas Bartlett | Nov 25, 2015 | #ABP, #humour, #writing, Ireland, life, meloncholy, reading, war
Modern Life 3 – Everything is Amazing! No it isn’t. Neither is everything terrible. Warning: Hectoring and contradictory (like modern life). The human propensity to believe they are all something unique, living in an age of unprecedented x, y, z remains as strong as...
by Thomas Bartlett | Nov 3, 2015 | #ABP, #driving, #humour, #traffic, #writing, blog
Dublin Traffic. 3 Wrongs Don’t Make a Right. No facts have been consulted in the writing of this rant. Cyclists I’m a cyclist. And I say to my fellow cyclists, get off the footpaths. Seriously get off them. Don’t cycle on them. And sexist as this...
by Thomas Bartlett | Aug 21, 2015 | #ABP, #humour, #writing, ABP, book, Novel |
First Teaser Trailer Americans Bombing Paris I hope you enjoy it. Please like and share if you do enjoy it. Thank you. Americans Bombing Paris is a classic romantic thriller skewered with humour and geopolitics. An intoxicating mix of food, lust, Paris and mis-guided...
by Thomas Bartlett | Aug 13, 2015 | #humour, ABP, blog, Ireland |
Irish Months Ranked Jul – Dec July By this stage we know that it was all for nothing. There is a tremendous amount of throwing our hands up in the air in despair in July. There is a feeling throughout of wanting to leave the country, and regret you haven’t. The...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jul 15, 2015 | #humour, #writing, book, Fiction, horror |
Me Versus the Six Foot Rat Sunk in the sofa, squirrelling away my life, the street had gone quiet. But then this was South Dublin, it was traffic or nothing really. I listened for the familiar sounds of people driving around and around enjoying their lives, nothing....