by Thomas Bartlett | Feb 25, 2016 | #ABP, #humour, #writing, Ireland, Politics, satire |
Fine Gael V Tories Overview: Fine Gael are phenomenally unlikeable, they are only holding onto power for one more election cycle at best. Meanwhile the country waits until it is decent to vote for the back-slapping, kidney punching, ruddy faced mafia;Fianna Fail,...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jan 31, 2016 | #writing, ABP, Ireland, meloncholy, modernlife, writing |
Some wildly inaccurate and generally smug musings about the Midlands from a train. In the Midlands much of the man-made features seem abandoned; half finished, or half started, depends on whether you feel like being charitable. It looks mostly flat. Hillocks, eddies,...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jan 19, 2016 | interviews, Ireland, Novel, paris, reading, reviews, war, writing, writing tips |
Reviews, Interviews and Guest Posts Paris, Ireland, Writing, Reading Not everything I write is for this site. Here are some links to things I have written for other sites and blogs. Book Review “Americans Bombing Paris” Peace & Love my Friend A unique review of...
by Thomas Bartlett | Dec 3, 2015 | #ABP, #writing, ABP, book, food, Ireland, life, restaurant, writing |
The last day I ever worked in a restaurant I was nearly burnt alive, and even more nearly took someone with me. It was definitely time to get out. And I have. But I still think about restaurants, like an ex I never fell in love with but I stayed with for a good part...
by Thomas Bartlett | Nov 25, 2015 | #ABP, #humour, #writing, Ireland, life, meloncholy, reading, war
Modern Life 3 – Everything is Amazing! No it isn’t. Neither is everything terrible. Warning: Hectoring and contradictory (like modern life). The human propensity to believe they are all something unique, living in an age of unprecedented x, y, z remains as strong as...
by Thomas Bartlett | Aug 13, 2015 | #humour, ABP, blog, Ireland |
Irish Months Ranked Jul – Dec July By this stage we know that it was all for nothing. There is a tremendous amount of throwing our hands up in the air in despair in July. There is a feeling throughout of wanting to leave the country, and regret you haven’t. The...