by Thomas Bartlett | Jun 27, 2015 | #ABP, #writing, ABP, book, Fiction, food, life, love story, meloncholy, Novel, reading, Romance, thrillers, war |
Americans Bombing Paris is a classic romantic thriller skewered with humour and geopolitics. An intoxicating mix of food, lust, Paris and misguided youth. Click Here to go to Your Local Amazon For Johnny and Naya trouble was unavoidable and in truth they never tried...
by Thomas Bartlett | May 27, 2015 | blog, meloncholy, writing |
There is not much to be said for the way things have gone lately, other than to enjoy that sweet air borne dust on the lips; pollens and poisons? The most hopeful days of the year, the last thirty of the upward curve. When we go for the walk, striding to out...