by Thomas Bartlett | May 18, 2016 | #ABP, #writing, current affairs, horror, news, Politics, tragedy |
The Lovely Lone Gunman Theory. Secrecy Kills Jimmy Saville. Brendan Smyth. Lee Harvey Oswald. Marc Dutroux. Secrecy 101: Sully. Isolate. No lesson to learn. A once off. move on. The cosy cloak of secrecy. There is a great moment in Bill Hicks’ repertoire when he...
by Thomas Bartlett | May 25, 2015 | book, love story, satire, tragedy |
Chapter 1 Saturday November 9 2002 I stood on the balcony as the first planes came screeching and screaming in. Flying lower than they needed, to get a better look. The view must have been amazing. Plunging low, then high, undulating at something around the speed of...