Reviews, Interviews and Guest Posts
Paris, Ireland, Writing, Reading
Not everything I write is for this site. Here are some links to things I have written for other sites and blogs.
Book Review “Americans Bombing Paris” Peace & Love my Friend
A unique review of Americans Bombing Paris, complete with images and quotes.
I wrote this review of The Kindly Ones and Matterhorn. Two war books often cited in best of lists. One American and much lauded in America. The other written by an American in French. The French loved it, the Americans didn’t, too gruesome, or something.
Riding & Writing Interview with Thomas Bartlett
My first ever interview. Way back when. Also a cool eclectic site merging Gina’s two loves. Horses and writing(obviously).
A trip down a Parisian memory lane. I enjoyed this opportunity to write about what it was like to move to Paris back in 2003.
An in-depth interview on a fantastic site.
A brisk interview and a great blog.
Good inspiring !!
Hi Thomas
I’ve been trying to email you but can’t find an address. I’m really sorry not to have been in contact before. We met about three weeks ago on the plane from Gatwick to Dublin and seemed to hit it off. You gave me a copy of your really very fine ‘Americans Bombing Paris’ with the very reasonable proviso that I read it. Unfortunately I was into a jag of reading Zola’s Contes et Nouvelles at the time and also, to tell the truth, always have a tendency to put off reading things I know I should. One of the luxuries of being semi-retired. Your novel is tremendous and I am sure you don’t need me to tell you you can write. The plot content – the bombing and futile stone throwing protest – is grand and what truly carries the piece is the narrative voice. The wise cracking tone and irreverent lexical vividness together with a stripped down accumulative syntax that makes the voice move fast, fast, fast creates a vivid other reality related to this one the sense of which, I think, is what we primarily read fiction for. I always felt I was entering into that vivid other reality when I picked up the book.Really fine.
I’d be very glad if you could see your way to contacting me through my email address. I’ll be in Dublin at least once a week from next week on. Perhaps we could meet up. Hope so, and that I will hear from you.