by Thomas Bartlett | Nov 2, 2016 | #writing, current affairs, Drinking, Ireland, satire, war, writing |
Top 5 Worst Codes Ever Morse – …. . / -. .- –.. .. … / .- .-. . / -.-. — — .. -. –. –..– / . … -.-. .- .–. . Literally useless, who has the time? By the time you have figured out “The Nazis...
by Thomas Bartlett | Oct 10, 2016 | #ABP, arguing, blog, current affairs, Uncategorised, war |
Advent internet Confirmation bias abounding Whatever opinion I’m right, astounding! Things have changed. We pass a lot of our blinking hours exploring the cavernous souks of the cyber, only venturing out into our samey homes, scruffling along the filthy wet streets...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jun 2, 2016 | #ABP, current affairs, Fiction, France, horror, Ireland, life, news, Politics, war |
I read the news today, oh boy. But I don’t know who won the war. Not sure anyone’s won the war in a while now. No longer seems the point. Win the peace they used to say, so quaint. Peace, what good is that? More news is coming to mean less news. And though...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jan 19, 2016 | interviews, Ireland, Novel, paris, reading, reviews, war, writing, writing tips |
Reviews, Interviews and Guest Posts Paris, Ireland, Writing, Reading Not everything I write is for this site. Here are some links to things I have written for other sites and blogs. Book Review “Americans Bombing Paris” Peace & Love my Friend A unique review of...
by Thomas Bartlett | Nov 25, 2015 | #ABP, #humour, #writing, Ireland, life, meloncholy, reading, war
Modern Life 3 – Everything is Amazing! No it isn’t. Neither is everything terrible. Warning: Hectoring and contradictory (like modern life). The human propensity to believe they are all something unique, living in an age of unprecedented x, y, z remains as strong as...
by Thomas Bartlett | Oct 7, 2015 | #writing, ABP, book, classics, Fiction, life, Novel, thrillers, war
Source: Two War Books Redux | Books Go Social