by Thomas Bartlett | Jan 29, 2016 | #ABP, #writing, ABP, current affairs, Fiction, France, paris, Romance, satire, thrillers |
Americans Bombing Paris Chapter 1 Paris Saturday November 9 2002 I stood on the balcony as the first planes came screeching and screaming in. Flying lower than they needed, to get a better look. The view must have been amazing. Plunging low, then high, undulating at...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jan 19, 2016 | interviews, Ireland, Novel, paris, reading, reviews, war, writing, writing tips |
Reviews, Interviews and Guest Posts Paris, Ireland, Writing, Reading Not everything I write is for this site. Here are some links to things I have written for other sites and blogs. Book Review “Americans Bombing Paris” Peace & Love my Friend A unique review of...