by Thomas Bartlett | Sep 15, 2017 | #humour, #writing, arguing, blog |
The burnt orange sun of the vale is the kind of thing he was expected to write. Is a vale a small valley, or does this thing even matter anymore? Anymore is not what it used to be, being that we all expect everything night and day to be a blood orange sun hellscape....
by Thomas Bartlett | May 29, 2017 | #humour, arguing, blog, current affairs, Ireland, meloncholy, modernlife |
Internet Arguing v Real life arguing Picture it, hurtling through space, time and our pervasive atomic imaginations, we grind to a halt, progress stalled. I’m referererering to this strange phenomenon, this festering illogical pustule that is, internet arguing. A says...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jun 2, 2016 | #ABP, current affairs, Fiction, France, horror, Ireland, life, news, Politics, war |
I read the news today, oh boy. But I don’t know who won the war. Not sure anyone’s won the war in a while now. No longer seems the point. Win the peace they used to say, so quaint. Peace, what good is that? More news is coming to mean less news. And though...
by Thomas Bartlett | May 25, 2016 | #ABP, #writing, ABP, blog, childhood memories, Drinking, France, Ireland, Italy, meloncholy, writing |
I saw him the other day in Galway, the dangerous guy in every bar. His knuckles are the old bone keys for the crypts, a small man with furtive laser eyes, sunk in with malicious disappointments at things happening that he expected, he expects the worse, lives inside...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jan 29, 2016 | #ABP, #writing, ABP, current affairs, Fiction, France, paris, Romance, satire, thrillers |
Americans Bombing Paris Chapter 1 Paris Saturday November 9 2002 I stood on the balcony as the first planes came screeching and screaming in. Flying lower than they needed, to get a better look. The view must have been amazing. Plunging low, then high, undulating at...