by Thomas Bartlett | Jan 19, 2016 | interviews, Ireland, Novel, paris, reading, reviews, war, writing, writing tips |
Reviews, Interviews and Guest Posts Paris, Ireland, Writing, Reading Not everything I write is for this site. Here are some links to things I have written for other sites and blogs. Book Review “Americans Bombing Paris” Peace & Love my Friend A unique review of...
by Thomas Bartlett | Oct 7, 2015 | #writing, ABP, book, classics, Fiction, life, Novel, thrillers, war
Source: Two War Books Redux | Books Go Social
by Thomas Bartlett | Aug 21, 2015 | #ABP, #humour, #writing, ABP, book, Novel |
First Teaser Trailer Americans Bombing Paris I hope you enjoy it. Please like and share if you do enjoy it. Thank you. Americans Bombing Paris is a classic romantic thriller skewered with humour and geopolitics. An intoxicating mix of food, lust, Paris and mis-guided...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jul 8, 2015 | #writing, classics, Novel, reading, thrillers |
My Reading Life 4: Books I reread. Listen while you read……. Like the television show that allows brain inactivity, the child’s blanket drenched in sleep, the old body battered sofa, I have books I like to lie back into once a year like a good thing....
by Thomas Bartlett | Jun 27, 2015 | #ABP, #writing, ABP, book, Fiction, food, life, love story, meloncholy, Novel, reading, Romance, thrillers, war |
Americans Bombing Paris is a classic romantic thriller skewered with humour and geopolitics. An intoxicating mix of food, lust, Paris and misguided youth. Click Here to go to Your Local Amazon For Johnny and Naya trouble was unavoidable and in truth they never tried...
by Thomas Bartlett | May 27, 2015 | #writing, blog, childhood memories, Fiction, Ireland, modernlife, Novel, writing |
Broken Wing “I had real friends at that time who surprised me now and then, this was seldom and it just gave succour to my feeling, that everybody stared ahead afraid. We used to walk to lakes away from anything, and hide there from nothing. We would throw...