by Thomas Bartlett | Jun 2, 2016 | #ABP, current affairs, Fiction, France, horror, Ireland, life, news, Politics, war |
I read the news today, oh boy. But I don’t know who won the war. Not sure anyone’s won the war in a while now. No longer seems the point. Win the peace they used to say, so quaint. Peace, what good is that? More news is coming to mean less news. And though...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jan 29, 2016 | #ABP, #writing, ABP, current affairs, Fiction, France, paris, Romance, satire, thrillers |
Americans Bombing Paris Chapter 1 Paris Saturday November 9 2002 I stood on the balcony as the first planes came screeching and screaming in. Flying lower than they needed, to get a better look. The view must have been amazing. Plunging low, then high, undulating at...
by Thomas Bartlett | Oct 7, 2015 | #writing, ABP, book, classics, Fiction, life, Novel, thrillers, war
Source: Two War Books Redux | Books Go Social
by Thomas Bartlett | Aug 5, 2015 | #writing, blog, book, Fiction |
#ABP One Month On It’s just over a month since I first self published Americans Bombing Paris. I thought I would share some things I have learnt and that I have had to unlearn. There is more advice online on self-publishing than anything else in the history of...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jul 28, 2015 | Fiction, love story, reading, thrillers |
My Reading Life 6: Rubbish books that are Great This is not me. But she looks happy. Vladimir Volegov. The Godfather by Mario Puzo The Godfather is most often invoked by smart asses when talking to other smart asses. Smartass #1, “The book is always...
by Thomas Bartlett | Jul 16, 2015 | book, classics, Fiction |
My Reading Life 5: Great Books that are Rubbish (Books that I did not really like) Just watch it. Peter O’ Toole acting his camels off. The Seven Pillars of Wisdom by T E Lawrence (the man himself) This beautiful book is on this list because quite a...